• 17 Apr, 2024

Why Should Choose Short Haul Flights?

As long as one loves to travel, flying for long hours is still not liked by many. Long-haul flights can be stressful for some travelers due to various factors, like seating in one place for a long time, expensive fares, or jet lags. For traveling, passengers mostly prefer to fly out to closer destinations to have more fun. There are plenty of things that make a short-haul journey favorable which you will learn with this article. Read the following context to understand the short-haul flights, advantages, and other related things.

List of the advantages of short-haul flights

A few most common advantages of flying on short-haul flights are listed and briefed here:

1. Less Travel Time: Who does not want less travel time on their trips and vacations? By choosing a short-haul flight, you can have more time to explore the destination you are flying to rather than sitting on the plane for half of the day. It will help you save your energy and indulge in better things, as quick travel will not be as stressful as long-haul flights.

2. Less exposure to jet lag: As the duration of your journey will be short, there will be very little exposure to feeling jet lag after arriving at your destination. Many passengers can feel fatigued by flying for a long time.

3. Cost-Effective: The fares for short-haul flights are quite affordable and cheap. So, to travel to a new destination, you will not have to spend a lot on ticket flights and can complete a trip with a limited budget. As the travel time would be less, you can choose to book your seat on the economy class of the airline, which has the cheapest fare.

4. More Comfortable Journey: Sitting on the plane for up to 3 hours is quite comfortable for passengers whether they are traveling alone, with a partner, or with a kid. Spending less time on the flight is better and does not cause any discomfort, unlike long-haul flights.

5. No need for extra leg space: With most airlines, one has to pay additional charges to get extra leg space on their flight. When flying on a short haul, it is not necessary to have extra space on your seat, as in a few hours, you will get to your destination. On flight journeys of six hours or more, passengers require ample space for their legs to stretch for comfort, which is not an essential requirement for short journeys.

How long is a short haul?

A flight with less than 3 hours of travel time is considered a short-haul flight. Any flight that takes more than 3 hours to reach the destination will either fall under medium-haul or long-haul flights. To cover a shorter distance, people book their flights on a short-haul flight, which is very convenient and does not cause the passengers to have jet lag.

Can You Claim Compensation for a Delayed Short-Haul Flight?

If the short-haul flight is delayed for more than 5 hours, one can claim compensation. However, a delay of less than 5 hours will not get you any compensation from the airline. If a flight delay is due to severe weather conditions, the strike of the crew members, or anything that is not under the airline's control, delayed flight compensation will not be guaranteed.

Which country banned short-haul flights?

France has entirely banned short-haul flights. France is the first country that has passed the bill to not operate short-haul domestic flights in order to cut carbon emissions. According to the Government of France, when there are alternative options present, it is not necessary for travelers to fly from one destination to another when the journey can be covered by a train hassle-free and with less time.