• 31 Jan, 2025

TSA PreCheck® vs. Global Entry: Which One Is Right for You?

Gain an understanding of TSA PreCheck Vs. Global Entry. 

TSA PreCheck and Global Entry are Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Trusted Traveler Programs that help you get through airport security afterward. TSA Precheck provides expedited security screening benefits for flights departing from US Airports. On the other hand, Global Entry provides expedited U.S. customs screening for international air passengers when entering the United States. If you are a Global Entry member, you can also quickly receive TSA PreCheck benefits as part of your membership. You also need to know that Global Entry is more expensive than TSA Precheck, takes longer to get to the plane, and has strict requirements. 

TSA PreCheck vs. Global Entry: Which One Is Right for You?

Regarding expedited airport security and customs processing, TSA PreCheck and Global Entry are popular programs that can make travel comfortable. However, each serves different purposes and offers distinct benefits, making understanding which program best fits your travel needs essential. Suppose you generally travel internationally four or more times a year. In that case, you need to consider enrolling in a Goba entry, but if you travel domestically within the United States, choose TSA Precheck and make your trip more pleasant. 


TSA Precheck:

TSA Precheck generally speeds up security screenings for flights departing from U.S. airports. The U.S. Transportation Security Administration usually runs it, though it works with three enrollment partners and pays the cost accordingly. You also get the facility to renew your TSA Precheck online and fly to your destination securely. To define it more, get the significant details below.

  • Get faster security screening:

Selecting the TSA PreCheck allows you to pass through security more quickly using dedicated lanes. At this point, you don’t need to remove your shoes, belts, or light jackets. You can also keep your laptop and liquids in your bag during the security screening. This is one of the best-streamlined processes that can significantly reduce your wait time at security. 

  • Enjoy the widespread Availability:

This program is available at over 200 U.S. airports, covering over 80 airlines and making it highly accessible for frequent domestic visitors. If you are one of them and select the TSA Precheck, you will get more time for security check-in at the airport. 

  • Eligibility:

If you are a U.S. citizen, lawful permanent resident, or certain foreign nationals, you are eligible to apply. You can check out the application process, which includes an online form, an in-person interview, and a background check. 

  • TSA Precheck cost:

You can apply for this service with an application fee of $85, which covers a five-year membership, and enjoy several perks mentioned above. 


Global Entry:

If you choose Global Entry, you can use its automated kiosks at U.S. airports, bypassing traditional customs lines. This includes automatically receiving TSA PreCheck benefits, so you get the advantages of both programs with a single membership. This Global Entry is fantastic and geared toward international passengers who want to speed up their entry into the United States. To apply for this service, its application fee is around $100, which also covers a five-year membership. It is similar to the TSA Precheck-in benefits. However, you can choose one that suits your requirements and benefits.
